Saturday, February 26, 2011

All the blogs have a few things common like the main content area in which all the articles are listed in chronological order. The latest being at the top. However an archive of the older articles is also present. The articles are usually arranged in categories. A comment box is usually present for the viewers to post their comments. Sometimes a blog roll is also present which has a list of links to related sites. Usually feeds like RSS, Atom or RDF are also present. Some blogs may have an additional list of things to attract people.

There are different types of blogs. They differ not only in the type of content of article but also the manner in which the matter is delivered. Personal blogs is an ongoing commentary of happenings in an individual’s life. Boggers usually take pride in their blogs even if nobody goes through their blogs. Personal blogs are a new way for young people of today to communicate with their friend circle. This is way faster than emailing or writing. Thus we can call it socializing for our online generation who are too busy to actually socialize. Another type of famous blogs is the corporate blogs which can be for private use or for business purpose. They can be used for marketing, branding or even for the purpose of public relations. Media blogs comprise of videos so they are also called Vlogs. If the blog contains links it is called linklog, if it contains a portfolio of sketches it is called sketchblog. Blogs can be differentiated on the basis of device creating them. A moblog is one which is created by using a mobile phone or a PDA. Blogs are also categorized by their genre like fashion blogs, political blogs, educational blogs, musical blogs.